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Showing posts from August, 2005

simon says...

my good friend simon in various guises - i mean poses ;D look ma i'm fox mulder! do i look all right? why won't you take me seriously? take it easy simon -- hope you get well soon!

along came medette

Their first weekend away from the brand new house and I was requested to house sit -- I took a picture of her list of things to do for the manangs -- trust me when i say it was long, detailed -- complete with threats of imminent decapitation and impossibly entertaining ;D

home alone -- well practically alone

must've been the quiet that woke me up. i haven't been awake that early since my schooldays and that's a long way back. it was raining the night before and when i looked out the window -- the sun was up and shining. i went out into the garden with my camera and took pictures. here are the results of my attempts at photography.


my cousin bert dubbed him mojo. why you ask? well because he wants every opportunity to say: "where's my mojo?" look at those eyes -- sullen, bored, indifferent...sigh! i can't even get a dog excited.

Driver, take me to Rustan's...

i couldn't let this opportunity pass. i mean how often do you meet a living icon like celia rodriguez?! here she is in the flesh!


go MiG!!! he was born in the philippines, raised in australia and is now living in london. he can sing and more importantly he can rock! to learn more visit