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my fave things in life...

1 - bonding time with my siblings and cousins (some lang not all)
2 - having great conversation at the dining table
3 - listening to my sisters recount my nephews' and nieces' latest antics
4 - having the giggles at the most inappropriate time
5 - falling asleep in front of the TV
6 - new supplies from national bookstore
7 - a good book
8 - a good laugh
9 - a good cry
10 - a good movie
11 - cold and hot showers
12 - iced tea
13 - SPAM
14 - the smell of freshly laundered sheets
15 - air conditioning
16 - "pink" -- my favorite body lotion
17 - my new ceramic styler
18 - facial wipes (can't do without them)
19 - my ipod
20 - my high look havaiana's in brown and black
21 - the spa
22 - getting a pedi
23 - shopping!
24 - bananacue at toron


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